Book: Ceramics - Art or Science? Author: Dr. Stan Jones


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The purpose of this work is to enthuse people without a scientific background to take an interest in everyday science and engineering. I also hope that people with a scientific inclination will appreciate the early developments of artistic ceramic or pottery technology and come to better understand not only the technicality of its production but also the amazing beauty that craftsmen have been able to achieve.

I have used ceramics as a vehicle to illustrate to readers, particularly students and their parents, that all forms of art and much of our surroundings are dependent on technology that is not inherently as difficult to understand as it is made out. Also that the development of this technology has been part of everyday life for tens of thousands of years. Some of the simplest activities today were once giant leaps in technology for our ancestors.

We have become so used to our environment that we do not recognise the level of technology that scientists and engineers have included in our everyday lives, and hopefully your curiosity will be aroused by peeling off only the first layer to see what lies beneath the surface.

Hopefully some readers will be encouraged to pursue a career in science and engineering that can be incredibly rewarding in all its senses.



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